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I was going through the books of 1 Peter 2:11 and coming across temporary residents and foreigners got me fascinated. In my head, I was like so there is also a word which backs "Japa" in the bible. Later as I progressed, I had the understanding that brother Paul was admonishing the so-called foreigners who are God's chosen people living in the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. A sojourner is someone who stays in a place temporarily or Japa as we would say. Brother Paul was making the foreigners then aware in his epistle to them of the challenges in which they will face as a result of being in a foreign land however, what the bible says in John 16:33 is an assurance of our faith in Christ Jesus. Thinking ahead, we all are sojourners on this planet and there is no iota of doubt about that because no matter how long a person lives on earth he/she is expected to exit at some point especially when the person grows old. As a result of this, bearing i


  Rebellion is simply not following authority or laws, going contrary to the laid rules and regulations. Speaking of rebellion to God, it simply means not regarding God's authority over humanity, not following his commandments and most particularly committing several atrocities.  Rebellion to the Father largely comes in form of sins, going through the book of Ezekiel (chapter 2:3), the children of Israel were described as a rebellious nation, an impudent nation and stiff-hearted people.  Abba sent Ezekiel to warn the Israelites of their rebellious act as the Lord of Hosts made it known that they and their Fathers are full of transgressions which God could not bear as His face cannot behold iniquity. Going further, He instructed the prophet to take his warnings to them as against His day of visitation so they can turn away from their evil ways and call unto the Kings of kings. The Israelites were most rebellious in the sense that they worshipped lesser gods thereby underestimating t


  Reading through the books of Ezekiel, It made me remember when I was much younger, I visited my granny's house and unknown to me they just got two new dogs to watch over the house, my very small self was just bouncing inside the compound as usual as I was not aware there were new watchdogs in the house. Immediately they saw me they started barking and running towards to me and I took to my heels and this automatically made my grandparents aware that something was going on outside as the dogs passed the message appropriately. This particular story struck my heart when I came across the word "Watchman" in chapter 33. It could be seen there in that watchmen are typically chosen to keep watch over people, the Israelites in this case just as my grandparents got themselves two dogs to secure their home to the best of the dogs capabilities and the dogs did not default based on the the encounter I had with them.  Going further, we  were made to see that watchmen spiritually are


             If I have a heap of clothes I want to wash, I want to believe that I have to start washing the clothes by picking a particular cloth, wash it until I get across to other clothes. At times, one could have preference on how the clothes are being selected to be washed, it could be based on how much value one places on the cloth, or the type and nature of such cloth involved. Well, this does not mean that other clothes will not be washed it just happens that the cloth picked first will be washed before the rest. This scenario ushers us into what is called a chosen generation scripturally. In the books of 1peter 2:9-10, we were made to see the true picture of what it means to be a chosen generation. We were made to see that the Israelites were a chosen generation not because of their strength or capabilities but due to his unconditional love and most importantly He remembered the covenant He had with their father (Deut 7:7-8). Looking at the above sentence, does this mean that


  I don't know if some of us have been in a situation or dilemma which is really depressing and such that along the line the outcome of such situation is so positive that we would be eventually thanking God for making us pass through those times. I remembered a very tight situation I was in a particular year, it involved me taking a decision I never knew it would be very hard to live by the consequence. I felt really bad, even if the decision I made seemed right but the consequence was really depressing truth be told and I kept on wondering if there was a need for that particular decision, unknown to me it was a preparation for what is ahead of me, and I discovered this about 2 years after the whole incidence. Going further, the story of Esther in the scriptures gave me an insight to the reason some things are needful to happen in our lives. Looking at how she became the queen, how tiring and unrealistic the whole process would be before she emerged as the queen little did she know


Fellow soldiers call themselves comrades. This got me fascinated when I came across a particular hymn, CAC-hymn 723 ( ho, my comrades..). Looking at the lyrics of the hymn, it sounded more like there's a situation of war on ground and comrades are being enjoined to endure and keep fighting for their master is at hand as this signifies the long awaited victory. I want to  believe that in a situation of war, soldiers generally would have learnt how to hold the forth if they truly want victory because therein lies their strength.  To hold forth scripturally simply means holding on to our righteousness. it typically means" not  to loose guard" as we youths of nowadays will have it said. Holding forth is a continuous process which requires a lot of dedication, patience and resilience. when we engage in this, we might not get the reward instantly but we should be convinced that our master who is Christ Jesus is by the corner and behold our rewards is with Him no wonder a line o


I never knew a man could die twice. I mean someone giving up the ghost twice, This sounds very funny, unrealistic and at the same time it sounds strange. Everybody is aware of the situation when a man is proclaimed dead. First and foremost, such individual cannot breathe again, move his or her body in short the person is lifeless. When this tragic event occurs to an individual, such is to be taken away from his/her loved ones and buried. I am extremely sure this is the understanding most of us have when we hear that a person is dead. Talking of the second death, does it now means that such person who has earlier died will repeat the same process? A candid answer to this can be found in the books of revelations 20:14. We were made to understand what the second death indicates. Scripturally, it means the lake of fire. Here, we were told that anyone whose name will not be found in the book of Life such individual will experience the second death. How is it to for a person to have a portio


Talking about accursed, It simply means under a curse or under a spell. Biblically, accursed also means a curse or under a spell. An accursed thing can be said as such thing that is under a curse or under a spell. Speaking further of the accursed thing, when we read through our bible in the books of Joshua chapter 7: 1- end we would get a full insight to what it is meant for a thing to be accursed, it's implication for those who are in harbor of it. We were made to see how the Lord instructed the Israelites not to take a single thing of the destroyed Jericho for it was accursed. There was a man, Achan a covetous fellow who had to take of the thing that was earlier instructed by the Ancient of days not to be touched. What was the consequence of this?  The Israelites generally had to pay for this great misconduct that Achan committed. The funniest thing was that the whole of Israel had to suffer defeat from a lesser community they had underestimated as a result of Israel's prior


I remembered a time I was extremely thirsty and I am not a fan of carbonated drinks as I really love fruit juice. I took a glass of juice hoping it would quench my thirst it did not work out. I felt probably my body wanted a change of what I had always given it and I tried taking a non-alcoholic wine but it seemed that the case worsened. I concluded to give carbonated drink a trial, the outcome was not pleasing at all. Immediately, something clicked in my head that I needed water, and just as I took water I felt nourished as ever before it was then I truly understood the essence of water in our daily activities. Speaking of the fountain of living water, literally fountain means a source of something then living water sounds more like a water that continues to exist going by what the two word says. Interesting! I believe that when we hear of living water what comes to our head is how possible it is for a water to live? just as I was confused when I came across this at first but getting


  Basically, everyone likes either chicken, turkey, meat or fish. The process of nurturing the animals which provide these protein till the point of being made available for use is not a playful exercise. Most of us cannot eat our meal without any of these so called protein. When we strip these so called proteins off their flesh we end up with bones, Some bones are crackable while some are not. The uncrackable bones eventually gets discarded since they have become useless we throw them in our dustbins or incinerators as the case may be. Going back to check probably few days after we see the extent to which the bones are dried, lifeless and dull and one could not have said it was from them that the sumptuous flesh was previously gotten before they turned out to be what they have become. This little illustration above can be used to denote the lives of believers, there could have been a point in time that as believers we were flourishing and blossoming as a result of the capabilities dep


  When we were much younger I mean when we were between the ages 1-2, I can boldly say that all children walking at this age will be guided by their parents as it is expected that such cannot be left alone to walk, and do so many activities on their own due to their imperfection and inability even in the way they walk. Talking about working, it is a continuous practice which we engage in and we are mostly being paid for or not. So, walking and working with God means the ability to journey with the Father uprightly in our earthly race. I mean the capability to be led to perfection by the Ancient one just as the way the  toddler will be guided as a result of his/her imperfection. No wonder what God told Abraham in ( Gen 17:1). Furthermore, working with God simply means performing some self-service to the Father it could be in joining a unit in the church of God in order to function for Abba without expecting any wage or returns. This is absolutely nice but a very quick question is that a


Hearing about the word of life what really rings in one's head at first? At first, one could be like which one is a word that has life. Honestly speaking it sounds somehow and one could even be thinking that so the words we speak or hear now has life, interesting! The word scripturally signifies the Father Himself ( John1:1). No wonder we have it that in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and God Himself was the word. Going further, the word of God i.e God Himself is life and that life is the light of men. This simply means that the word of God brings life to an individual who studies the word and the life brings light which shines in this world that we live in. The word of God is of no doubt an all rounder. When we study the word of God, we get to know the mind of God Himself and when this happens and getting to know this we get formed just the way the word wants us to according to His will. In the books of ( Hebrews 4;12), we were made to see the efficacy of the wo


  Speaking of how great a thing is depends on how huge, enormous or gigantic such thing is. Then, when we talk of great persons there are some attributes such person must have displayed which makes that word " Great" attached to their names. Such persons must be seen to be an important or distinguished person. Attributing the word "Great" to the name of the Lord is undoubtedly an under estimation of his wondrous works which has in all ramifications exceeded the criteria of greatness. Abba is indeed more than a great Lord, if we construe our minds on the wondrous works of the Lord which is evident in nature, we will inarguably agree that He is far beyond greatness. I remembered a particular trip I had using a boat, looking at the waves I was extremely afraid something just reminded me of the stormy sea that the Lord calmed. At that point I was in awe of the wondrous works of the Lord. The bible even records it in the books of (Psalms 104: 1-end) , the magnitude of th