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Fellow soldiers call themselves comrades. This got me fascinated when I came across a particular hymn, CAC-hymn 723 ( ho, my comrades..). Looking at the lyrics of the hymn, it sounded more like there's a situation of war on ground and comrades are being enjoined to endure and keep fighting for their master is at hand as this signifies the long awaited victory. I want to  believe that in a situation of war, soldiers generally would have learnt how to hold the forth if they truly want victory because therein lies their strength. 
To hold forth scripturally simply means holding on to our righteousness. it typically means" not  to loose guard" as we youths of nowadays will have it said. Holding forth is a continuous process which requires a lot of dedication, patience and resilience. when we engage in this, we might not get the reward instantly but we should be convinced that our master who is Christ Jesus is by the corner and behold our rewards is with Him no wonder a line of the hymn says "hold the forth, for I am coming," 
This same hymn reminds me of King Saul in the scriptures, He was instructed by prophet Samuel not to carry out an offering to the Lord and wait till the man of God comes, but due to his impatience, inability to hold forth, he went on with the offering and just as he concluded it, the man of God appeared and this was the beginning of his fall (1sam 13: 1-14).  
Brethren, are we sure we are still holding forth for the Lord, or are we carried away by the cares or chaos of the world, the Father is telling us today to cheer up he comes to join us soon. I am enjoining us to take up our mandate as comrades of the Lord, keep fighting the good fight of faith with our spiritual weapons ( Prayers, word of God, fasting..)  to overcome  the war of unrighteousness set before us and we should keep holding forth till the end of time and victory will be ours. 
In conclusion, we hear people say life is a place of war and we should note that the scriptures says truly, we would find tribulations in the world, but we should be of good cheer for it has been conquered for us. We can claim this verse by holding forth for the Lord and we should not forget our spiritual weapons in the process.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, the grace to hold forth till the end of time, give unto me. Amen!



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