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I was going through the books of 1 Peter 2:11 and coming across temporary residents and foreigners got me fascinated. In my head, I was like so there is also a word which backs "Japa" in the bible. Later as I progressed, I had the understanding that brother Paul was admonishing the so-called foreigners who are God's chosen people living in the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. A sojourner is someone who stays in a place temporarily or Japa as we would say. Brother Paul was making the foreigners then aware in his epistle to them of the challenges in which they will face as a result of being in a foreign land however, what the bible says in John 16:33 is an assurance of our faith in Christ Jesus.

Thinking ahead, we all are sojourners on this planet and there is no iota of doubt about that because no matter how long a person lives on earth he/she is expected to exit at some point especially when the person grows old. As a result of this, bearing in mind that our existence here is temporal we are expected to run away from the desires of the world, which wage war against our souls just as brother Paul was admonishing. The book of Galatians 5:17 is proof that natural man is bound to be sinful, ever since man ate the forbidden fruit and is cast out of the garden of Eden, he has been conferred the status of a temporary resident and foreigner on earth as it is expected that man after living his life on earth goes back to his creator to give an account of what He has done hence a sojourner on this planet indeed.

However, the same book of Galatians 5:19 - 21 tells us the results of our sinful nature while chapters 5:22-23 specifies what is expected and healthy for our souls. In conclusion, brethren, just as Japa is the order of the day in most African countries lately and a large percentage of people strive to become permanent residents wherever their Japa journey must have taken them and they do not feel reluctant to dance to the tune of constituted authorities due to the extreme benefits such countries confer on their citizens how much more Heaven brethren? 

I am using this medium to charge us and remind us all of our status of being a temporal resident here on earth generally as no matter how long we stay a day is coming when we would be no more and that is an inevitable truth. The energy channeled into being a permanent resident could also be put into our spiritual lives because we all are sojourners and it is by accepting and abiding by the commandments of Abba that we could gain access or say citizenship of heaven, a lot of benefits await those who possess this citizenship status no wonder what we have in John 14:2. Lastly, it is by accepting His will that we can become a permanent resident or a first-class citizen of heaven.

PRAYER POINTS: Abba, the grace to abide by your rules to become a permanent resident of your kingdom grant unto me. Amen



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