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 If I have a heap of clothes I want to wash, I want to believe that I have to start washing the clothes by picking a particular cloth, wash it until I get across to other clothes. At times, one could have preference on how the clothes are being selected to be washed, it could be based on how much value one places on the cloth, or the type and nature of such cloth involved. Well, this does not mean that other clothes will not be washed it just happens that the cloth picked first will be washed before the rest.

This scenario ushers us into what is called a chosen generation scripturally. In the books of 1peter 2:9-10, we were made to see the true picture of what it means to be a chosen generation. We were made to see that the Israelites were a chosen generation not because of their strength or capabilities but due to his unconditional love and most importantly He remembered the covenant He had with their father (Deut 7:7-8).

Looking at the above sentence, does this mean that Abba is partial? I realized that the Israelites were a medium through which Abba wanted to pass His message of salvation to others, no wonder He started with them. The consequence of being a chosen generation is not farfetched. We believers of nowadays claim to be Israelites of today and to be chosen is not a child's play as we become standards and yardsticks to others.

No wonder, Abba was always hammering on the sole fact that the Israelites need not to copy the behavior of other neighboring nations as they needed to be a good example to other nations of the world as they were yardsticks in meting out judgements and  Abba was truly using them as a medium to pass across His works of salvation on humans generally.

In conclusion, to be a chosen generation comes with a lot of goodies as it singles one out for the special grace apart from the common grace available to humanity. Although the father would not spare us or fail to chastise us when we err as He would not condone any nonsense from us. In as much as we want to keep enjoying the goodies available to His chosen ones, we should also make up our minds to work in line with His commandments and most importantly His will.

PRAYER POINT: Lord Jesus, the ability to live up to expectations of a chosen fellow grant unto me. Amen



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