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 There was a particular time I embarked on a journey. On getting to the park I saw two different buses, one was going exactly where I was going, it had just a passenger left to be filled up  and expensive while the other was empty, less expensive but was not going exactly where I was going but I could manoeuvre and later get to my destination. Immediately, I made a quick decision in me that I will follow the less expensive bus as it was cheaper and I could easily pick anywhere I wanted to sit. Lo and behold, the bus driver with a single passenger to complete kept running up and down to ensure that his bus gets filled up, in a way he came to me and started persuading me to follow his bus and told me that the bus was not moving because I refused to join. The other bus driver became angry and started giving me reasons I should follow his bus. At that point I became confused and I felt lost as I did not know which bus I was to follow again but later I decided to follow the single passenger


 Speaking of the literal meaning of fear and the most widely use of the word "fear", it means a phobia, a strong uncontrollable unpleasant emotion caused by actual or perceived danger of threat. Here, I am not talking about this above meaning of fear. The fear of the Lord means terrified reverence to the Lord, that is treating the Ancient one with respect, trembling as a result of his wonderful works that is evident in humanity. Take a deep thought about yourself, do you know how you got to the stage you are presently, talking about growth in all areas of ones life is enough evidence or reason to instill the fear of the Lord in us because His works are mysterious. The bible had it in the book of psalm 114 reading through vv 3, it says "Jordan saw it and fled" . What did Jordan see? it saw the presence of the Lord in action which instilled fear even on an inanimate thing much more we humans. The fear of the Lord brings trembling in His sight, it makes us have wisdom


 Have you seen a naval ensign before? an ensign is used to distinguish ships of different nations or to characterize different sector or level of the same navy. An ensign can also be synonymously called a badge or a mark of distinction of rank or office. Talking about an ensign from a spiritual angle, an ensign biblically is a signal to assemble or to give a notice to someone about a particular thing. It could be seen in the book of Isaiah that the lord had his hands stretched out still in delivering judgement to His so called people due to their disobedience and sins. The father loves his chosen people but would not spare them whenever they erred, hence the reason for the pronounced judgement in the early chapters of Isaiah. Our Ancient of days, is known to be a merciful father no wonder He had it in the very chapters 10-12 to raise an ensign to his people in order to call them from various parts of the world they must have been scattered to due to their recalcitrant attitude. Abba, i


A covenant is to make a promise incidental to a deed or a contract Biblically, a covenant is a conditional promise made to humanity by God as revealed in the scripture. it is conditional in the sense that some principles has to be followed to ensure the everlasting establishment of the covenant. In the book of hebrews 8:8, it was stated there that God will make a new covenant with His children. Several covenant has been made earlier but Abba Father stated specifically that he was going to make a new covenant with His children, Christ been the new covenant. The coming of our Lord Jesus christ had already being prophesied no wonder what we have in John 3:16. He is a covenant that has come to fulfilment and supercedes earlier covenant. Then in fulfilment of this covenant Christ came truly to the world, died for our sins, resurrected and coming back to take His saints. The bible made us to understand that whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life. This is a condition attached t