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 When I was in primary school I was part of the girls guide. we usually go for weekend camping in any agreed location and I remember that whenever we were at camp, we always have the camp fire at night and everyone will be dancing around it. Whenever the fire goes down, we will put leaves and some other petrochemical substances to enable it burn well. Going through the books of Mathew 25, the story of the 10 virgins ignited a spark in me and I realized instantly that to keep anything burning, we need substances to fuel it up just as we did at the camp whenever the camp fire goes down. Also, most of us have generators in our various homes and I can imagine how much we would feel helpless when we cannot get fuel to power our generators especially when we have a very interesting show coming up or a football match and the electricity distribution company decided to keep the light off. Brethren, reading through Mathew 25: 1-13, we would have a better understanding of what it means to fuel u
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The Price of Destiny

                              In General terms, the price attached to a product or service is the value of such product or service. This explains why priority is placed on some products or services than the other. The fluctuation in exchange rate of different countries to another gives a deeper understanding of the value attached to different country's currencies. The economists say the price of a commodity confers value on such commodity. A person with a thousand dollar undoubtedly has more purchasing power than another with a thousand naira.  Speaking of what the price of destiny means, we can say it is the value of destiny, the sacrifice needed to pay before attaining a glorious destiny.When I mean sacrifice this is not some sort of ritual but what we have to let go or put in place to attain our glorious destinies because as children of God, we all are entitled to glorious destinies as this is His will for us all. Let's have a quick look at those who paid the price for their


 If someone wants to write and pass an examination, I want to believe that a successful candidate will want to ensure that no stone is left to guarantee such individual's success. I remembered a scenario I found myself during my final examination. You know that euphoria of "I am now a finalist" did grip me and I failed to prepare adequately before the final examination day and the funniest part was I was trusting in seat formation as we always say then in Uni as I believed that if I could have a good seat arrangement I would tap from my colleagues who were more knowledgeable. Behold, a very strict invigilator was in attendance that fateful day and the whole plan was distorted. Remembering this issue and going through the books of Esther, Daniel and 2nd Chronicles gave me a deeper understanding of the three words "Behind the Scenes". What does this even mean scripturally? Before I give a definition I would like to make another illustration to buttress my earlier


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 Have you ever taken advice from anyone be it your friends, teacher, family, or sibling? If the answer is yes, then this is a must-read for you. Counselors are people who have expertise in giving advice about various life issues or challenges. I remembered when I was in secondary school we had a guidance and counseling tutor which we all reach out to as regards our academics but no matter how she must have tried, she never did up to the Wonderful counselor which is Christ Jesus. As much as we have counselors in the world, we also have the true counselor which is Christ Jesus no wonder what we have in the book of (Isaiah chp 9:6). Christ was named as the wonderful counselor which denotes that we have counselors in the secular world, we also have spiritual counselor(s) who gives advice on important matters in our lives. Examples of those who had to receive one or two counsels from people around them in the scriptures and the outcome will be quickly talked about. Eve, the mother of all re


 Bread comes in different shapes and sizes, growing up I must say I have had to see and eat different types of bread be it agege bread ( the one that goes sweetly with Ewa Agonyin), slice bread, twin bread, cake bread, coconut bread, sardine bread and there was even a particular bread called "ice cream" bread in my Uni days. All of these breads listed above have their own ingredients and flavor which makes it unique to people who buy them. Biblically, the true bread of God represents Jesus Christ which is the word of God no wonder what we have in the scriptures according to John chapter 1. In the books of John chapter 6, we were made to see how the Lord fed over 5000 people with 12 baskets of remnant loaves, and due to this, the crowd was looking for him as they wanted more of the food and not the word of God.  The bible recorded that he was aware of their intentions and encouraged them to seek Him who was the bread of life so they could no longer hunger and thirst again. The


                                      The Bible records in the books of Genesis the account of the creation. In the very first verse of the first chapter, it says "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". This is an automatic revelation that God is the Creator of all creations. We can simply say he is the brain behind every creation and invention in the entire universe. This is also supported by the Book of John chapter 1 which revealed God created everything in the world by His word and this same word was God Himself. What a marvel! Also, the book reveals that it was this same word that gave life to everything that was created, and this life was the light of men which means before His predominance there was darkness all over.  One thing that baffles me is that God made man the head of His creation, why do men after knowing this truth decide to worship the creations more than the Creator? The truth is most of us prioritize other creations or inventions more tha