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 If someone wants to write and pass an examination, I want to believe that a successful candidate will want to ensure that no stone is left to guarantee such individual's success. I remembered a scenario I found myself during my final examination. You know that euphoria of "I am now a finalist" did grip me and I failed to prepare adequately before the final examination day and the funniest part was I was trusting in seat formation as we always say then in Uni as I believed that if I could have a good seat arrangement I would tap from my colleagues who were more knowledgeable. Behold, a very strict invigilator was in attendance that fateful day and the whole plan was distorted.

Remembering this issue and going through the books of Esther, Daniel and 2nd Chronicles gave me a deeper understanding of the three words "Behind the Scenes". What does this even mean scripturally? Before I give a definition I would like to make another illustration to buttress my earlier explanation. Most of us watch movies and comedy skits and at the very end of such the behind the scene is shown and we get to catch a glimpse of how much work the cast put in work to ensure the movie or skit is delivered to our taste. This also caught my attention and I can say scripturally that behind the scene can mean a sort of preparation required on our parts as individuals in shaping our destinies.

Let's have a look at the books of second chronicles chapter 20, Jehoshaphat ensured that before leading the people to fight, he sought the face of God behind the scene and before the war. It was during this period he got the leading and instructions on how the battle against Judah was won. What about the books of Daniel chapter 2:10-17, Daniel prevented the death of wise men in Babylon because he worked behind the scenes to pray fervently to God to reveal the king's dream and interpretation. Esther was not left out as she challenged her fellow Jews to pray and seek God's face before going into the king's chamber who has not called for her and I want to believe if they did not seek Abbas face behind the scene the King would not have stretched his golden sceptre leading to automatic death of queen Esther and most likely the massacre of all Jews in that land.

Brethren, what I am trying to say is that behind the scene is evident in every sphere of our lives as every individual on earth has a destiny to fulfill and a race to run. How well do we ensure the fulfillment of all of these by our preparations behind the scenes? Do we just fold our hands and wait for miracles? I am not saying miracles do not happen but do we put in the required work? How well are we equipped to ensure the manifestations of these miracles? 

Every area of our lives has an existence of behind the scenes. I am enjoining us today as children of the Most High to work fervently in our respective behind the scene. Take on that certification, embark on that spiritual journey, be motivated to finish that academic pursuit you started and do not forget to always seek the face of God alongside and I am happy to tell us that a crown of success awaits us all. We should also inculcate waiting on the Lord in our behind the scenes with prayers, fasting, the Word of God as well as our actions to ensure the fulfillment of our respective glorious destinies.

PRAYER: Father in my behind the scene, give me the strength to prepare adequately so that i could fulfill my glorious destiny in reality. AMEN.



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