A simple question to ask is what is the significance of this to today's Christians? The mystery of the Passover hinges on the fact that there has to be bloodshed for the efficacy of the Passover (Hebrews 9;18). This verifies what we had in the Old Testament that the Israelites had to kill a lamb or calf for sanctification and redemption and this ushers us into the fact that even before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the blood of animals has always been used for sanctification and redemption each time a need for this arises.
Moreover, with the crucifixion of the Son of God, the option of prior blood of animals as sanctification, purification, and redemption ceased automatically and we were ushered into a new dispensation whereby the blood was shed once and for all on the cross of Calvary and it is super potent than the previous blood of animals in the old testament. The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ put an end to the use of the blood of animals as purification and we have gained access to the throne of grace due to His death and resurrection.
In conclusion, what I am trying to say is that brethren, the mystery of the Passover indicates that as the blood of lamb was used in the Old Testament before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, there exists a greater blood shed once for the remission of sins, purification, sanctification, redemption and more. Can we imbibe the attitude of calling upon the blood of Jesus in every of our life activities and challenges? This blood I am talking about can heal us of our infirmities, it can be a protection to us in times of trials and tribulations, and It can set us free from life bondages and attacks from the enemies. Let us imbibe the culture of bleeding the blood of Christ on ourselves and our families by our daily declarations and also partaking in the communion service in our individual places of worship I know as we do that our lives will never remain the same.
PRAYER POINT: Lord Jesus, the ability to understand the efficacy and the mystery of the Passover, give unto me so I can enjoy what you already possessed for me. AMEN!!!
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