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 Have you ever taken advice from anyone be it your friends, teacher, family, or sibling? If the answer is yes, then this is a must-read for you. Counselors are people who have expertise in giving advice about various life issues or challenges. I remembered when I was in secondary school we had a guidance and counseling tutor which we all reach out to as regards our academics but no matter how she must have tried, she never did up to the Wonderful counselor which is Christ Jesus.

As much as we have counselors in the world, we also have the true counselor which is Christ Jesus no wonder what we have in the book of (Isaiah chp 9:6). Christ was named as the wonderful counselor which denotes that we have counselors in the secular world, we also have spiritual counselor(s) who gives advice on important matters in our lives. Examples of those who had to receive one or two counsels from people around them in the scriptures and the outcome will be quickly talked about.

Eve, the mother of all received counsel from the cunning serpent and she ate that which was forbidden which later incurred the wrath of God on Adam, the serpent, Eve herself, and humanity at large. We bless God for sending the wonderful counselor who later had his bloodshed as a ransom for all of these atrocities. Further, in the books of (2nd Samuel chp 13:5), Jonadab counseled Amnon on how to successfully lay with his half-sister Tamar, an abomination in the sight of God, the fact that he received this counsel led to his death two years after this terrible deed. Lastly, Absalom the son of David received the counsel of Ahithophel on steps to dethroning his Father and this led to his doom. He went further to receiving counsel from Hushai which hastened his death.

Moreover, people say that things that are meant to happen will always find their way but the truth is counsel or advice are important parts of our lives, especially in shaping our destinies. This is an urgent call to us to reflect on our lives, how are the results of counsels we once hearkened to? how far have they brought us, I hope we have not been misled in every aspect of our life due to receiving wrong counsel. The truth is a majority of us are in helpless situations due to the counsels we earlier hearkened to. 

The good news today is that we can turn to the wonderful counselor, the one that has been before the inception of the world, it's high time we started receiving counsel from Him. The best and most effective way to receive His counsel is through the word of God and prayers. A lot of life-challenging issues we think are a lot to bear are boldly illustrated in the scriptures and way out of it. The book of Psalms is largely known to soothe one's soul when in depression and so on. We need to be readily available for God's counsel if we want to thrive in the world. It should always be what the bible says about this thing and not what my friend thinks as not all friends think right. When we start imbibing this culture of receiving counsel from Abba, life becomes easier to dwell in.

PRAYERS: Every counsel I have taken which is hindering my growth and causing me regrets please take it out of my life Father and make me begin to receive perfect counsel from You through Your word.



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