Bread comes in different shapes and sizes, growing up I must say I have had to see and eat different types of bread be it agege bread ( the one that goes sweetly with Ewa Agonyin), slice bread, twin bread, cake bread, coconut bread, sardine bread and there was even a particular bread called "ice cream" bread in my Uni days. All of these breads listed above have their own ingredients and flavor which makes it unique to people who buy them.
Biblically, the true bread of God represents Jesus Christ which is the word of God no wonder what we have in the scriptures according to John chapter 1. In the books of John chapter 6, we were made to see how the Lord fed over 5000 people with 12 baskets of remnant loaves, and due to this, the crowd was looking for him as they wanted more of the food and not the word of God.
The bible recorded that he was aware of their intentions and encouraged them to seek Him who was the bread of life so they could no longer hunger and thirst again. The people got confused at this stage and were passing comments like "How can you the son of Joseph and Mary which we know call yourself the bread of life from heaven?"
They were ignorant that He referred to the word of God. If we go through the scriptures, the book of John reveals that "In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and God himself was the word". It went further by saying the word became flesh and dwelt among us no wonder John the Baptist kept preparing the way for the Lord.
So, how is Christ not the true bread of God from heaven? Enough of chasing after agege bread only have we considered chasing after the bread of life just as Christ was imploring the multitudes to eat of the true bread from heaven, I am using this platform to beseech us to seek the true bread from heaven and watch how we get filled spiritually, financially, career-wise, academically, relationship-wise, and so on.
When we seek the word of God we get solutions to our life issues. some of us do not even have the understanding that we carry the solutions to life trials with us, some of us cannot remember the last time we opened our bibles to eat from the word and yet we consume chunks of food daily. Brethren, I am imploring us to give the bread of life a trial and I promise us that our lives will never remain the same.
PRAYER POINT: Father fill me with the passion for the bread of God so I can hunger and thirst no more. AMEN
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