Veil is simply something spread out to hide or protect the face of an object from view. Synonymously, a veil could also be seen as a blind. Most people have blinds in their various homes which is intended to cover up their windows particularly from undue access to people outside the house.
In the old testament, we were made to see that there was a tabernacle of worship and there exists a veil which demarcated the tabernacle into an holy place and the holiest place (hebrews 9:2-3) and the veil served as a covering to the tabernacle which is called is the holiest of all. This tabernacle was such that the first one was always entered by the priests to accomplish their service to God (hebrews 9:6) and the second one was always entered once in a year by the high priest only going in with the blood of lambs and bullocks to serve as sanctification for his errors and that of his people. This allowed for a veil covering this inner tabernacle so others would not have undue access to it due to the content there in. All of this happened before the coming of the Messiah. But what happened after the birth and death of Christ? it was recorded that that same veil which served as a demarcation was torn into two and there ceased to be the covering which has been from the start. This signifies that the death of Christ brought about an end to unrestricted access to the Father, His death made the veil to be taken away and anyone could talk to the holiest of all without the interference of any high priest. All of these was made possible through Christ's blood that was shed on the cross as a replacement to the blood of lambs and bullocks in the old testament and hereby giving us the the opportunity to be even as a priest of ourselves. No wonder these days, we could go on our knees and talk to the Father as we wish and He answers us speedily.
In essence, the old veil has been untaken and there is no thing of limitation to our access to the Holiest of all this is as a result of the blood of Christ shed on the cross of calvary serving as an atonement for our sins and giving us the grace to always appear before him blameless once we acknowledge our sins and ask for his forgiveness.Therefore, we should endeavor to make use of this great opportunity judiciously by praying, studying His word and following his commandments so as to fully utilize this great avenue efficiently.
PRAYER POINT: Lord Jesus, the ability to recognise your grace over my life and use it judiciously give unto me. AMEN
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