Reprobate simply means immoral, having no religious or principled character. A reprobate mind is that which possesses the above features.
Imagine a spiritual leader or a political leader with a renowned character commits a grave offence being fully aware of the commandments of God or the constitution of the land. What immediately comes into our mind as any individual who sees the news is that "Oh, how could it be that it was such person whom everyone is looking up to or expected to be aware of the consequences of such offence becomes a victim himself" . People tend to pass several comments some might even say that "I believe he should be more knowledgeable than what he did".
Truly, such people are actually aware that what they have done has huge consequences but they derive pleasure in doing it all because they have been given over to a reprobate mind. As a believer, we could also be in this same situation if we refuse to accept and acknowledge the knowledge of God in our lives. The structure of everything one earth is of no doubt already that there is a supreme being i.e God up there, who oversees the affairs of the entire universe, humans on earth is also an indisputable evidence ( Romans 1:20). So when we fail to glorify God in our doings, claim to be wiser than our creator and ultimately not retaining God in our knowledge, we might have no choice than to be given over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28) and we begin to embrace every form of ungodliness such that we begin to see it as no big deal (Romans 1:29-30).
In conclusion, reprobacy is a very deadly act as it widens the gap between us and the Father, giving room for the devil and his cohorts to haunt and misdirect one's deed. The lasting solution to this is to always acknowledge God in our doings, Pray fervently and follow his commandments because the end is near.
PRAYER POINTS: Eternal Father, I come to you with all lowliness, is there any where I have been given over to a reprobate mind purchase me back and redeem me to your side. Amen
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