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  A whole lot goes down under the sun,when I say under the sun i am referring to the whole earth as a whole. Imagine a child is born into the world, coming out of the mother's womb empty and naked, after the child's birth he is weaned and goes through several stages before he finally starts his education, from primary to secondary and to higher institution he could even go to the length of taking professional exams and pursuing his career to the peak. After this his parents tells him to bring home a wife, he gets married start having kids and making his kids follow the same process as he has been brought up,when he grows old he dies and maybe wills his property to his children and he without no doubt knows what happens again after his demise as he will be buried empty not even with the certificates and qualifications he has attained. What a life!

    This above example is typical of a successful human, several generation comes and goes. we all have fore fathers and I believe we will also be fore fathers to some generations coming after if Christ tarries. I believe nothing is new under the sun as the bible even made us understand this in the book of Ecclesiastes (chapter 1:9). Being successful or not under the sun does not disrupts the fact that all works under the sun is vanity and vexation of spirit Ecclesiastes (chapter 2:11). How is this so? The previous example explains it all. Despite all his travail and the duration of time spent under the sun he has no choice than to face the inevitable end of all human and he immediately becomes oblivious of what goes on after him. So, why the incessant struggle of amassing irrelevancies despite this unhidden truth? Some even go to the extent of perpetrating evil all in the name of being successful.The bible is not against us being successful and chasing our desires as it said in eccl (chapter 9:10) that whatsoever our hands finds doing we should do it well,also in proverbs (chapter 6:6) we are being asked to learn from the ants. The truth of the matter is that we should seek God diligently in all our doings under the sun, we should always put it in our minds that our journey here under the sun  is for a short while and not destroy eternity with our works here under the sun as there is no how we put God first truly and we would not be successful.
In conclusion, our whole existence here under the sun demands us to fear God and keep his commandments in all our doings as all works will be brought to judgement. Ecclesiastes (chapter 12:13-14).

PRAYER POINT: Father I commit all my works under the sun unto your able hands make me see it as a duty to serve you diligently in all I do. Amen



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