Oh please sir, can i write more?, No! Kindly submit! "Sir, I want to cancel out some things." No,time up! "Sir, my paper is blank" but you were given enough time for the exam, I am sorry you have to submit. Examination is written to test the knowledge of an individual about a particular issue.Only if each and everyone of us on this earth can think of us writing an exam in our daily life activities so we can put in all our best to excel in all ramifications and do that which pleases our Creator.As we are all aware that there is a time frame for an exam, which could be likened to the fact that each individual has a lifespan,which at the end of it all we render our deeds in form of our scripts to the Lord Almighty the same way the candidates submitted their papers to the examiner at the end of the exam irrespective of any excuse. Would we like to be like that candidate who is willing to write more,who obviously has answers to the examiner's question or that w...