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Showing posts from 2025

God's Laws Versus God's Promise

A father who lives in the diaspora once had a son and for some reasons his son cannot come along with him. Nevertheless, he kept on investing and was lucrative in his business. This man got a guardian to keep his son in track while he was away and he wrote his will so that when he is away permanently his possession could be given to his child by the guardian on reaching a specified age written in his will. He did this so that the child could be rightly led and could have come of age not to mismanage the properties. Going through the books of Galatians, I had a deeper understanding of God's laws and God's promises. Firstly, we have sins, laws and promises. Literally, Sin is anything detestable to God, God's laws are the guidance from God given alongside the promise to reveal to people their sins (Gal 3:19). God's law was given until the fulfilment of the promise. God's promise is simply grace in the human form of Christ Jesus. Going back to my introductory story, the...