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Showing posts from September, 2023


                                       Biblically, a mystery is a secret that is engraved on the pages of the scriptures and revealed through the divine spirit of God. The Bible made us see how the children of God were delivered from the Egyptian's bondage. The Book of Exodus chapter 12 revealed how the Israelites were instructed by Abba through Moses on steps to take to get their freedom from the slave master, In verse 21 they were told to specifically kill a lamb serving as the Passover according to each family and its blood used on the lintel of each Israelite doorpost so that when the angel of destruction is destroying the firstborns of the Egyptians they will be left out.  A simple question to ask is what is the significance of this to today's Christians? The mystery of the Passover hinges on the fact that there has to be bloodshed for the efficacy of the Passover (Hebrews 9;18). This verifies what we had in the Old Testament that the Israelites had to kill a lamb or calf