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Showing posts from May, 2022


I never knew a man could die twice. I mean someone giving up the ghost twice, This sounds very funny, unrealistic and at the same time it sounds strange. Everybody is aware of the situation when a man is proclaimed dead. First and foremost, such individual cannot breathe again, move his or her body in short the person is lifeless. When this tragic event occurs to an individual, such is to be taken away from his/her loved ones and buried. I am extremely sure this is the understanding most of us have when we hear that a person is dead. Talking of the second death, does it now means that such person who has earlier died will repeat the same process? A candid answer to this can be found in the books of revelations 20:14. We were made to understand what the second death indicates. Scripturally, it means the lake of fire. Here, we were told that anyone whose name will not be found in the book of Life such individual will experience the second death. How is it to for a person to have a portio


Talking about accursed, It simply means under a curse or under a spell. Biblically, accursed also means a curse or under a spell. An accursed thing can be said as such thing that is under a curse or under a spell. Speaking further of the accursed thing, when we read through our bible in the books of Joshua chapter 7: 1- end we would get a full insight to what it is meant for a thing to be accursed, it's implication for those who are in harbor of it. We were made to see how the Lord instructed the Israelites not to take a single thing of the destroyed Jericho for it was accursed. There was a man, Achan a covetous fellow who had to take of the thing that was earlier instructed by the Ancient of days not to be touched. What was the consequence of this?  The Israelites generally had to pay for this great misconduct that Achan committed. The funniest thing was that the whole of Israel had to suffer defeat from a lesser community they had underestimated as a result of Israel's prior