There are ways to which a man can die.we have the physical death,eternal death and the spiritual death.A dead man is such who cannot carry on the daily activities,he is that who is lifeless, whose spirit is separated from the soul and body.A dead man cannot talk,he is oblivious of things around,he is totally empty and separated from the world.These above is what happens when a man dies physically. Spiritual death is of another realm, and this is what I will be dwelling on.A dead man spiritually is that which is dead in the things of the spirit. In the book of Genesis chapter 2,we were made to see how Adam and Eve kept in the garden of Eden were commanded not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil lest they die(genesis 2:17).The death here, is not the physical death but a spiritual death.A spiritual death alienates one from his maker.Our God is known to be a Spirit being and whosoever is dead in the spirit cannot walk with the Father uprightly.Spiritual death comes with a lot...